Monday, June 30, 2008

It's official: Two more months

There is a scant two months until our August 30th wedding date. There's an overwhelming amount of tasks to accomplish in these next 8 weeks, and I'm not entirely sure if I've just wet my pants from fear or from excitement. It might be a little of both, but the fact remains that I have just wet my pants and it wasn't part of a dare. Hi mom!

We are making our own invitations based on This lovely lady's layout, using hand-drawn illustrations to create a sort of story book. I initially wanted to go with a bit of a "children's book" theme, and I think that my drawings will get this point across, but if nothing else, it has shaped up to be something that I really enjoy. I still have to draw the map and figure out the wording for directions, and finish up designing the postcard - but other than that we are ready to print! Z's mom wants to help in the assembly of the designs, and since we are seeing her on Thursday, that means that we need to have everything cut and printed and ready to go on Wednesday! Too soon!

I will wait until we mail the invitations to post pictures of the progress. Z didn't like my sketches but he said he liked the finished drawings. This either means that he really did like what I drew, or that he is a smart man and knows when to lie to save my feelings. I can live with either one.

An Awkward Apology

But is there really any other kind?

Dear Blogs-of-the-Past,

I'm sorry for abandoning you. It's not that you weren't good enough, or cool enough, or easy enough to use - because you were all of those things! I just outgrew each of you in my own time, and there is really nothing you could have done to save things between us.

You were my first, and therefore you hold the most special place in my heart. I learned basic html with you, and I had my first of many internet fights with you as the arena. It was a bittersweet relationship we shared, but it is one that I will never forget.

??? I signed up with you right before I joined myspace for the first time. (I closed that account when I realized that I didn't know anyone on there. Now, of course, everyone has an account, so I HAD to join to be able to stare at their photos. You can see the dilemma I was in.) But.. I don't really remember why. :/

I'll be honest - I never really liked blogging with you. Sure, we had a few fun nights posting bulletins and feeling dangerous, but in the end you were little more than the superficial site I had you pegged for from the beginning.

We have been through so much together, and I have always returned to you in times of trouble, though under different usernames. Even though I have been with you longer than any other blog, I have never grown tired of you. I will always treasure what we have together, but I hope that you will understand that I have evolved from who I once was, and I need a blog that can keep up with me. Plus, I like that this will be linked to my gmail/reader account, and you just can't offer me that.

Thank you all for being a part of my internet life. It is because of you that I was able to quickly gain twenty pounds after high school graduation, and I will never forget that. Never.