Hello, sweet poppets!
I am at work, eating a chocolate bar and googling "Nicole
Richie Hair." I can't imagine myself doing anything more girly, although getting on my blog and complaining about my period might round things off nicely. Unfortunately, I don't have any negative words regarding my monthly Mrs. Mudflap, so I will have to end the girlyness there. Now I know what you're thinking - because I'm thinking it too. "Jessie, do you normally call your period your "Monthly Mrs. Mudflap"? Well I guess you'll have to wait a few weeks to find out.
Today marks the the two week anniversary of my first paycheck at this job. So it is my.... third paycheck? Yes, third. It's very reassuring to get paid weekly right now, because I have so much I need to pay back and so much I need to buy that it helps to not have to wait too long in between cash spurts. Boring! Next subject!

I think I'm going to get my hair cut next week. I wrote Katie Kelly to see about getting an appointment with her on Wednesday, and if I didn't completely scare her away with my obnoxiously long and needy Myspace message, things might actually turn out ok! I also asked her about color, since I need to do something with this turd box I call a hairdo. It's looking like I'm wearing a little mousy brown hairnet on top of an auburn triangle of dog hair. I guess I'm just tired of looking like a "before" picture.
If everything goes well at work, I will be on the phones by myself soon. Next week I will be sitting with someone while they talk and I key in the information. Probably by the end of next week I will take some calls with someone listening in - ready to pounce if I mess up. By the end of the NEXT week I will be taking calls and my "mentor" will be able to hear my side of the conversation but they won't be able to jump in willy-nilly. Willie Nelson.
We have started to get some of our RSVP postcards back. Most everyone is neglecting to leave notes, which is kind of a bummer because we wanted to compile them all and keep them in an album - but some people are getting the right idea. We got one yesterday that made me lawl. I can't quote it properly without seeing it - but maybe I'll post it here later (never).
I guess I'll skidaddle now. I will leave you with this quote I just read that made me embarrass myself by making troll noises while trying not to laugh. The best part? It's not even that funny.
They say that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. That's not as bad as it sounds, considering that the other 50% end in death.