But then nearly all of it went to pay back the bank for overdraft feeeeees.
Ummm... Hello, friends!
Tomorrow is officially "hump day" which has never meant as much to me as it does now. Yesterday marked the beginning of my second week at the new job, and I'm starting to get into the groove of the adult world. It's a very bizarre feeling. Very bizarre, indeed!
I like Wednesdays. I think I've always been a bit of a "Glass is half-empty" kind of girl, so I've embraced my own negativity in order to feel less weird about not being able to change it. HOWEVER, I have now learned that I am actually an "Is it Wednesday, already??" kind of girl, which is a completely different ballgame. I just don't know what to do with myself.
While I'm on the subject of days-of-the-week, I should say that I was never a big fan of Tuesdays. Mondays are not too bad, because after the weekend it's easy to trick myself into forgetting how horrible the work-week really is, and by the time I start to snap out of the weekender haze, it's already lunch time. The rest of the day crawls by, but by next Monday .. I certainly won't remember it. Tuesdays, however, are a different story. They are evil.
Thursday is also a very nice shade of lippy by Tarte
Thursday is my favorite day of the week. It holds all of the promise of the weekend without having to live up to any of the expectations. Fridays can be a let down because they rarely are as great as they seemed like they'd be when I fantasized about them on Tuesday. I mean, I still love zooming out of the door as soon as I can ... but I always feel like I should have done more with my weekend. Either went out more, or relaxed more. I can't win.
Banyway. I need to cut my nails. Goodbye!
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