Friday, August 13, 2010

I'd rather be googling

I'm tired. This week took forever and I accomplished none of my life's goals. To be fair, my life's goals are all just variations on "be rich," "be taller," or "do something really amazing - but I'm not gonna specify! That would be cheating!" Which, let's face it, are not very good goals.

The good news is that I was able to teach my coworkers a few things this week. They learned a little about government subsidized farming, but more importantly, they learned the words "prat," "slag," and "chav." I guess the week wasn't a waste after all!

Z and I are going to Austin next weekend to prematurely celebrate our anniversary. It's going to be a long weekend, which will be awesome, but we have literally planned nothing other than where we're going to be staying. Not that we won't have plenty of things to do in Austin - but I think there's going to be a lot of driving around and bickering about who should have googled interesting things to do in Austin because you can't be at restaurants 24/7 and that's all we have researched. Ahh.... anniversaries. Just like marriage, they are weird and a good way to ruin a perfectly fine relationship by adding another layer of pressure and expectations.

Just kidding! Marriage is a pretty good idea. If you're into that sort of thing. Which I guess I am. SPEAKING of anniversaries - we saved a piece of our wedding cake to eat on our first anniversary and we totally forgot to eat it last year. When we moved into this house and were cleaning out our old freezer - we came across the cake all foiled up and plastic baggied in the back corner. We debated throwing it away then, but I figured a more ceremonious throwing-away might be more appropriate. So who knows what we'll do. Maybe this year we'll get the cake out of the freezer (we moved it with us) and take it somewhere to dispose of it. Or would that be considered illegal dumping? Schematics! All's I know is I AIN'T EATIN' IT.


darcy dubose said...

I can give you some ideas at what to do in Austin if I get to see you. And ONLY IF I get to see you. Otherwise, have fun with Google.

becki said...

We have the same life. We should intertwine the two sometime soon. Estate sailing (sic) perhaps?