Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm a murderer.

Recently I discovered the joys of using cornmeal to induce the mass murder of ant families. With my guidance and training, you too can be on your way to an anti-ant lifestyle. Are you ready for this Just sprinkle some cornmeal on their homes and where they like to hang out, and -poof!- you have now just committed genocide. Enjoy hell! It should be fun.

(and ant-free.)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking my own rules.

I don't typically like to tell people about the names I have picked out for my hypothetical children because I worry that they will talk smack about my choices, but today I think I will throw caution to the wind in favor of having something to write about. Something boring - but something nonetheless. I would ask that those reading this refrain from being too honest with their opinions, but that would be quite hypocritical of me! I do sometimes get upset to find that others disagree with my decisions (re: hair, clothing, etc.) but that is usually because what they say makes me realize that I wasn't that solid on the decision in the first place. When friends and family disagree with something about which I feel passionately, I rarely crumble, as I have already thought of answers to their concerns. Normally, there is little about my thoughts and ideas to criticize that I haven't already criticised myself.

ANYWAY! Let's hop on to the names, shall we?

For girls:
Olive / Olivia
Emily / Emelie

For boys:

Not quite as long a list as I had anticipated. Maybe I don't spend as much time thinking about names as I thought I did. I may add to this list later. And I may forget about it entirely. Don't wait up!